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What is...the value of getting involved in your community?

Getting involved helps to alleviate the dread one feels as a major election looms closer. It helps to feel we have done something tangible to move the needle. But, getting involved can take many forms. Maybe it is calling a friend to make sure they are able to get to the polls. Maybe it is volunteering at your child's school. There really are a multitude of ways we can get connected to our community.

We are less than two weeks out from a very important (dare I say critical) election here in the US. While I typically reserve comment, this election is important enough to so many people that I feel it is appropriate to reach out to my network and encourage everyone in the US to have a plan to vote. For my network outside the US, send us all some grace and good will. We will need it. I will be working as a poll observer that day as I have in the past. I find it very rewarding (and yes, exhausting). I am active on a local board too as a way to lend my skills and passion to causes I believe in.

Think globally and act locally are words I try to live by. Wherever you are I hope you find a way to get involved and that you feel a sense of belonging in your community. We are all stronger together.

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