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What is...the NICE classification?

an R with a cirle aorund it denotes a registered trademakr or service mark

The Nice Classification (NCL), established by the Nice Agreement (1957), is an international classification of goods and services applied for the registration of marks. The Nice Classification simplifies and streamlines the drafting of descriptions for goods and services in trademark applications for customers around the world. By way of reminder, there are a total of 45 classes. Classes 1-34 are for goods and classes 35-45 are for services. A skilled trademark attorney will be well-versed in these classes and how best to describe the goods and/or services your company provides when submitting a trademark application for you.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) generally incorporates the classification changes to the Nice Classification adopted by the contracting parties to the Nice Agreement, an international treaty recognized by over 90 countries.

To review these changes, click the link and Access the Nice classification ( Once there, select modifications and then select a class number. You will see there may be additions, deletions, or edits. You will also note that these changes have yet to take effect. Proposed changes are discussed, reviewed, approved, and implemented and the changes become effective each year on Jan 1 (the most recent changes will be effective Jan 1, 2025).

To better familiarize yourself with the 45 classes, you can also select general remarks and then a class number. There you will see explanations for why a particular good or service is in that particular class. The remarks may reference other related classes to provide for greater clarity.

If you or your company is in need of trademark protection, please reach out. We are here to help and have expertise in trademarks.


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