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What is coming in 2025...increased fees for patents and trademarks in the US.


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Recently, the USPTO has announced under a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) a proposed increase to many trademark and patent fees in the US for 2025.

On the trademark front, the proposed increases relate to trademark filings. Many other fees are not changing. There is a proposed base case fee of $350 per class, as well as fees for insufficient information, the use of free form text for goods and services identifications, and excess characters (over 1000) in the description of goods and services.

On the patent front, most all fees are increasing, and some are increasing considerably. A few examples of larger increases include, but are not limited to, an Issue Fee for a Design Application, Terminal Disclaimers filed after a final action, and Extensions to the Patent Term. One disappointing but understandable new fee is for Requests under the After Final Consideration (Pilot) Program.

KPIP Law will be monitoring this issue closely and will send notice to clients in advance of new fees taking effect once the various fees have been finalized.

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