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Do you need to conduct a trademark search?

a sign sayign way out directing people out of the underground

A trademark search is money well spent for a number of reasons.

First, the time to search is when choosing a name - not after launch. By searching early, you can make informed decisions about your brand and roll-out armed with knowledge of what the landscape looks like in the marketplace. If the name you initially choose is riddled with obstacles, you have a way out. If you don't search prior to launch, you may invest considerable funds in the brand only to find that someone else has superior rights to you and you must stop using the mark.

Second, a proper search provides insight into which descriptions of goods and services have been successful, and this may speed up prosecution of your case.

Third, peace of mind is priceless. By searching prior to filing, and receiving a detailed report from a professional search company, you gain peace of mind that you have minimized the risk of receiving a cease and desist letter some day in the future. No one likes surprises in business.

If you already have a brand that is not protected, or if you are thinking of launching a company, a new service, or a new product line, please reach out. We are here to help!


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